Pressure dependent deuterium fractionation in the formation of molecular hydrogen in formaldehyde photolysis

Elna Johanna Kristina Nilsson, Vibeke Friis Andersen, Henrik Skov, Matthew Stanley Johnson


The pressure dependence of the relative photolysis rates of HCHO and HCDO has
been investigated using a new photochemical reactor at the University of Copenhagen.
The relative photolysis rate of HCHO vs. HCDO under UVA lamp irradiation was mea-
5 sured at total pressures of 50, 200, 400, 600 and 1030 mbar. The relative dissociation
rate kHCHO/kHCDO was found to depend strongly on pressure, varying from 1.1±0.1 at
50 mbar to 1.75±0.10 at 1030 mbar. The products of formaldehyde photodissociation
are either H2+CO (molecular channel) or HCO+H (radical channel). The partitioning
between the channels has been estimated using available values for the absorption
10 cross section and quantum yield. As a result of the change in pressure with altitude
the isotope effect for production of molecular hydrogen is found to change from a value
of kH/kD=1.8±0.2 at the surface to unity at 50 km. The relative importance of the two
product channels changes with altitude as a result of changes in both pressure and
actinic flux. The study concludes that the D of photochemical hydrogen produced in
15 situ will increase substantially with altitude.
TidsskriftAtmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions
Sider (fra-til)24029–24050
Antal sider21
StatusUdgivet - 12 nov. 2009
