title = "Holocene environmental changes documented in lake sediments and polysequent soil profiles on Ammassalik Island, Southeast Greenland",
keywords = "Faculty of Science, Gr{\o}nland jordbundsgeografi, Klima{\ae}ndringer, Geokemi, Greenland soils, Climate change, Geochemistry",
author = "Jakobsen, {Bjarne Holm} and Pedersen, {J{\o}rn Bjarke Torp} and Peter Ils{\o}e and Holm, {Jakob M.}",
note = "V{\ae}rtspublikationsredakt{\o}rer: Camilla S. Andresen Sider: 22; Palaeoclimatology, oceanography and glaciology in the Helheim Glacier Region ; Conference date: 29-11-2010",
year = "2010",
language = "English",