title = "Endoscopic collection of bovine embryos at different tubal stages with respect to FSH and ECG treatment",
author = "G. Mosslacher and U. Besenfelder and M. Gilles and F. Rings and H. Schneider and M. Koester and J. Laurincik and Poul Maddox-Hyttel and G. Brem and K. Schellander",
note = "Kode for bibliotekets beholdning: 'ikke modtaget' Ukendte organisationer '\'Anatomi og Cellebiologi\'' Udgave: 59 Sider: 372; The annual conference of the International Embryo Transfer Society, Theriogenology ; Conference date: 01-01-2003",
year = "2003",
language = "English",