title = "Debate and Dialogue: Can We Really Talk? 37 years of Gender Linguistics",
keywords = "Faculty of Humanities, K{\o}n og sprog, sociolingvistik, Gender, Sociolinguistics",
author = "Steen Schousboe",
year = "2013",
language = "English",
isbn = "978-973-703-842-5",
series = "Intergenerational, Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Bridges",
publisher = "Editura Universit{\u a}{\c t}ii {"}Alexandru Ioan Cuza{"} din Ia{\c s}i",
pages = "283--87",
editor = "Coc{\^a}r{\c t}a, {A. } and { Frentiu}, L. and Chiper, { S.} and A. Sanduloviciu",
booktitle = "Langua, Culture and Change",