title = "Characteristics of the near shore-line freshwater discharge to Ringk{\o}bing Fjord (Denmark)",
author = "Calvache, {Carlos Duque} and Johnathan Kinnear and Engesgaard, {Peter Knudegaard} and Andrew Binley and Kinza Haider and Torben Sonnenborg and Sabrina Jensen",
year = "2012",
language = "English",
isbn = "978-84-7840-874-0",
series = "Hidrogeolog{\'i}a y Aguas Subterr{\'a}neas",
pages = "71--79",
editor = "L{\'o}pez-Geta, {Juan Antonio}",
booktitle = "Nuevas aportaciones al conocimiento de los acu{\'i}feros costeros",
publisher = "Instituto Geol{\'o}gico y Minero de Espa{\~n}a",
note = "TIAC 2012 ; Conference date: 24-04-2012 Through 26-04-2012",