Astrid Sissel Jørgensen
- Biomedicinsk Institut, Molecular and Translational Pharmacology - Ekstern ph.d.-studerende
Person: VIP
Jesper Tranekjær Jørgensen
- Biomedicinsk Institut, Cluster for Molecular Imaging - Gæsteforsker
Person: VIP
Sara Marthedal Jørgensen
- Biomedicinsk Institut, Inflammation, Metabolism and Oxidation - Ph.d. stipendiat
Person: VIP
Konstantin Kahnert
- Biomedicinsk Institut, Molecular Cardiology and Membrane Proteins - Ph.d. stipendiat
Person: VIP
Paul Joseph Kempen
- Biomedicinsk Institut, Core Facility for Integrated Microscopy - Ph.d.-studerende
Person: VIP
Harshvardhan Khare
- Biomedicinsk Institut, Cluster for Molecular Imaging - Videnskabelig assistent
Person: VIP
Hannelouise Kissow
Person: VIP