Politik (Tidsskrift)

  • Marc Jacobsen (Redaktør)

    Aktivitet: Udgivelse af peer-review og redaktionelt arbejde - typerRedaktør af tidsskriftForskning


    Arctic international relations in a widened security perspective

    This theme issue aims to debate Arctic international relations in a widened security perspective. Although current discussions on security focus heavily on defense and energy, the complex challenges of the circumpolar region today require a more comprehensive dialogue inclusive of the different types of security, their interactions, and their challenges. This issue therefore intends to move the discourse of polar security beyond - but not excluding - the conventional debates of military capabilities and state sovereignty towards a more comprehensive definition of security, including its interacting environmental, economic, political, health and cultural dimensions.
    Special attention will be given to the discourses regarding each dimension, but though the editors are inspired by Ole Wæver’s securitization theory and Barry Buzan’s sectoral analysis, contributors are solely urged to - not demanded to - use this theoretical approach. The list of contributors include young and established researchers from several Arctic states. Thus, this theme issue aims at providing multifaceted and multinational perspectives on the security developments in the Arctic region. We believe, that such perspective serves the purpose of increasing understanding across cultural and national borders, thus, contributing to a continuous peaceful regional status quo. Altogether, the different chapters will contribute with in-depth analyses of current security developments and their potential implications for ensuring peace in the Arctic.
    Periode1 mar. 20161 sep. 2017
    Type af tidsskriftTidsskrift