IntlUni: The Challenges of the Multilingual and Multicultural Learning Space in the International University (Ekstern organisation)

  • Joyce Myra Kling Soren (Medlem)

Aktivitet: Medlemsskab - typerMedlemskab af forskningsnetværk


The aims of the IntlUni Erasmus Academic Network are to identify the quality criteria that should characterise teaching and learning in the Multilingual and Multicultural Learning Space; and

to develop recommendations for how Higher Education Institutions may implement and ensure the sustainability of quality teaching and learning in the Multilingual and Multicultural Learning Space.

Body type: EU project
Periodeokt. 2012sep. 2015
Sted for afholdelseIntlUni: The Challenges of the Multilingual and Multicultural Learning Space in the International University
Grad af anerkendelseInternational